A Mission is a parish-wide retreat! But instead of you going somewhere, say, to some retreat center off in the woods, the person leading the retreat is coming to us! We will begin each evening together in prayer, and in some missions we will break into separate sessions for adults, high school and junior-high youth, and elementary school kids. So this is a retreat for the whole family!
We all need an annual physical with our doctor, or to get our car’s oil changed once in a while. Well, a Parish Mission is just that—a time to get a spiritual tune-up! Sometimes we don’t even know anything is wrong until we go, like when we feel fine, but then the blood test the doctor runs tells us that our cholesterol is high. So the Parish Mission is a once-per-year opportunity to examine ourselves a little deeper.
Everyone has to confront, at some point in their lives, the meaning of life. Why am I here? What is my purpose? How do I get to Heaven? The Parish Mission is one step to helping you answer these questions! The Church has a map—or a GPS, since we’re in the 21st century—given to it by Jesus. This map is what will help you answer these questions and make progress toward your final destination.
Come excited! Come with an open mind and an open heart. Be ready for God to surprise you! Listen to what the leader of the Mission will say in his talks, and listen to the Holy Spirit speaking in your heart. Listen to your fellow parishioners as you discuss with them after the talks. You will get out of the Mission what you put into it!
God’s plan for sanctity is this map, this way of bringing us from where we are—broken, divided from each other, wounded in so many ways, weak and weary—to where God wants us to be: in a perfect relationship of love with Him and with our neighbor! Each session's talk will walk you one step closer on the way!
updated 8-31-22/jwk