The Pastoral Council serves as a consultative body to our pastor and is committed to providing the best possible counsel which is a result of prayer, reflection and dialogue as well as study, research and consultation with other parishioners. The Council consists of 12 members serving a 3-year term, staggered with 4 new members discerned and appointed each year.
Council members wear silver name badges while attending Mass or other parish functions and are available to receive comments, suggestions, or concerns to include in Council discussions. The Council meets monthly to discuss topics pertinent to parish life, ministries or other needs as requested by the pastor.
Current Council Members:
Scott Barzilla
2023-2024 Chairperson
Madelene Ottosen
2023-2024 Vice Chair
Marjorie Allinson
2023-2024 Chair Emeritus
Rita Bowser
2023-2024 New Parishioner Coordinator
Grace Davila
2023-2024 Secretary
Michael Faries
Member since 2022
Derrell Curry
Member since 2023
Cecilia Lalicata
Member since 2021
Stan Lewis
Member since 2022
Amy King
Member since 2023
Lee Usry
Member since 2021
Dave Kirchman
Member since 2023