Teams of Our Lady (TOOL) is an on-going formation program for all married couples–whether you’ve been married one year, ten years, or 50 years–to form you as a couple in married spirituality. Why as a couple? Because God has entrusted you to each other through the Sacrament of Matrimony, and because when your response is made in unison, it deeply affects: the quality of your love, your children, and all whom you meet. Why with other couples? Because as a Team there is more strength. In a world where fidelity is no longer esteemed, meeting with others who value married life can bring joy and hope to all.
Teams are composed of five to seven married couples. Team life revolves around the monthly meetings (in participant homes), and living out the six Endeavors.
This program is open to couples who are in a marriage recognized by the Church. Only one spouse needs to be Catholic.
See the international TOOL site for more info, or check out this site, as well.
What: Information Session
When: Next session TBD — contact John Lawlor, below, to be put on his waiting list
Where: TBD
Contact: John Lawlor, 713-824-8525, [email protected]